Terms of Use

- Terms of Use -
On our web site you can search and compare airfares from 1040 airlines and dozens of travel sites to find the cheapest flights, hotels and most convenient deal for you.
Please note that we are not a travel agency and we don't sell tickets, bookings etc. but display the best deals on behalf of a range of airlines and hotels.
Our web site only allows you to search for travel products, but you pay directly to the travel agency or airline on their web sites.
So If you have questions regarding a booking, or service inquiries please contact directly the travel agency or airline.
We don’t recommend any tickets / bookings over other tickets / bookings. We provide the comparison tool and the information we collect from travel agency or airline. All decisions are yours.
The lowest advertised rates are not necessarily always available on our site. Rates and availabilities are subject to numerous factors, such as limited time deals, seasonal price changes, location, etc.

- Disclaimers -
- The travel search service is provided to you “as is” without any warranties, including fitness for purpose. It provides generic information that doesn’t take your specific requirements into consideration.
- All the ticket/booking information we display comes from our partners and we don’t validate it for accuracy, availability, applicability, compatibility with your needs or citizenship / visa status, etc.
- We are not responsible for the validity of information outside of our control related to exchange rates, weather, time zones and time difference, travel time, etc. The information published in city guides may not be accurate and you use it at your own risk.
- We disclaim any responsibility for any actions performed by you based on the information presented or implied on our web site.
- Because we don’t sell anything, we can’t guarantee the availability of tickets or bookings, or that the price given to us my Our Partners will be the same price you will pay.
- We don’t guarantee that the price that will be displayed to you will contain ALL the charges and fees, including, but not limited to: airport charge, fuel surcharge, departure tax, checked baggage fee, credit card processing fee, etc.
- We don’t guarantee your satisfaction with your flight or booking because the provisioning of service is beyond our control.
- Theoretically, our web site may go down or become unresponsive for a short period of time. In the unlikely event of this happening, we are not responsible for any inconvenience you incur.
- We may change these terms of usage at any time without advance notice.

- Limitation of Liability -
Because we don’t charge you for anything, to the maximum extent permitted by the law of your country, we disclaim any liability for any damages arising from your use our web sites or from any aspect of your dealing with Our Partners.

- Miscellaneous -
Any voidable provisions in these Terms of Use don’t render the entire Terms void.


We cooperate only with proven and reliable companies

We find the best flight deals and you choose the one you prefer

We don’t charge any commissions or extra fees from our customers

We work with many partner companies so you can have a huge choice of destinations, promotions and discounts