About Us

1040 airlines offer you cheap flights
When you want to find cheap flights for an airline, we can help you.
We help users to find flights to all destinations from all major airlines.
We use Jetradar which is one of the largest online search engines for flights all over the world.
Our web site is search engine for flights all over the world, we help people to compare airline prices and hotel booking sites, track down carriers' special offers, to find the best deals and prices and book the cheapest tickets available.
We compare air tickets from more than a thousand airlines including low cost airlines and different travel agencies which allows us to find best airfares for every airline.
Also, we know about special offers that airlines have to offer, and popular destinations (including most popular cities and countries to visit).
When you find a flight or hotel that suits you, you can click on a rate for that offer to leave our web site and go to the selected site where you can book your flight or hotel directly.


We cooperate only with proven and reliable companies

We find the best flight deals and you choose the one you prefer

We don’t charge any commissions or extra fees from our customers

We work with many partner companies so you can have a huge choice of destinations, promotions and discounts